Easy way to evaluate HCT inference of glucose meters

Mar 21, 2023 1 min 211 words #bloodglucose

Everyone has a different hematocrit (HCT), and the measurement of the blood glucose meter may be affected by HCT.

This article provides an easy way to evaluate the inference of blood glucose machine readings.

Let’s sort out the detailed steps:

  1. Choose a legal place to find a medical examiner or nurse to draw blood, and use a purple-headed or green-headed vacuum blood collection tube to collect about 3 to 5 milliliters of blood.

  1. Let the tube quietly stands for 6 to 24 hours to allow the blood cells to settle naturally.

  1. Open the cap of the blood collection tube, draw an appropriate amount of plasma with a dropper, and drop three drops onto the plastic sheet for later use.

  1. Cover the cap of the blood collection tube and shake it by hand for about 30 seconds.

  1. Open the cap of the blood collection tube, draw an appropriate amount of blood with a dropper, and drop three drops onto the plastic sheet for later use.

  1. Insert new blood glucose test strips into the blood glucose meter respectively, draw the specimens prepared just now, and record the results.

  1. The test result represents the difference between 0% and 40% of HCT.

The following results used one glucose meter I bought from the pharmacy randomly.

hct test randomly